The first Harry Potter film is coming out on DVD/VHS on May 28th 2002. Here is a list of all the exciting stuff that's going to be included on the 2-disc set. - Thrilling, new scenes completed specifically for the home video release. - An in-depth, interactive tour that allows fans to experience Hogwarts as a first year student including the Great Hall, The Gryffindor Common Room and more. - Visits to Snape's, McGonagall's and Flitwick's classrooms which allow viewers to discover the "secret" at the heart of the DVD. - Captivating interviews with producer David Heyman and director Christopher Columbus providing insights into Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. - A visit to Diagon Alley (that provides access to Gringott's Bank), Ollivanders Wands (fans can be "chosen" by a wand) and Eeylops Owl Emporium. - A lesson in Quidditch that allows viewers to catch a Snitch with their remotes. - An opportunity to cast a spell over Harry and his friends that will let viewers watch them perform a scene in eight different languages. - A visit to Hogwarts' library which allows users to open a screaming book, catch a clue to the Mirror of Erised, choose video bios of favorite characters and meet the ghosts of Hogwarts. - An enhanced, personalized tour in real-time of Hogwarts, including Hagrid's Hut, the Great Hall and Harry's room, which allows users to experience the magic of Hogwarts firsthand! Viewers can look in all directions as well as view a split screen of forward and reverse views simultaneously. - Unique and exclusive electronic trading cards that allow users to collect and trade online. - Magical Harry Potter game demonstrations that will put users in the spotlight as they allow players to take on the role of Harry and to navigate through Hogwarts. An additional game demonstration offers users an "activity center" in which they can create their own version of Harry's world. - Personalized owl emails that will allow users to receive Harry Potter updates and information. - A sorting by the Sorting Hat that gives users the opportunity to be assigned to one of Hogwarts' houses. - Video biographies that will allow viewers to become better acquainted with the Hogwarts faculty. - Downloadable screensavers and remembralls.

This is the cover of the DVD/VHS. RELEASE RUMORS/FACTS: *The 2nd movie: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: November 15, 2002 *HP VHS/DVD release: May 28th, 2002 *Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: there are so many: but it's looking like late summer or early far away