Updates and News 18, Feb. 2002 - Woohoo, finally got 1000 hits!! BOO-YAH, anyways, a shout of thanks too all you out there that checked our site out! Don't forget to come back! 09, Feb. 2002 - Updated the News section!! YAY!! Well, anyways, go check it out. 03, Feb. 2002 - Made a new title page...Finally used html once in my life. It's not that great..but it's enough. We will try to put a new design soon...but as of now..enjoy the site. >:-D 28, Jan. 2002 - Note: If anyone have any suggestions on what we should put on our site, please write to our email address, or post it onto the forum. It will help us greatly on how to improve our site!! 27, Jan. 2002 - Just wanted to note on something. Our site is not the offical Emma Watson fan site. This means that we don't have Emma's email address or her home address. We really hope that she might one day check our site out. Anyways, this is an unofficial site for Emma! 24, Jan. 2002 - Didn't do much updating last week. We were too busy with semester finals(well, some of us were..=)). You should be able to see more updates now that we have more time to update. Check back often !! 21, Jan. 2002 - We hit the 100 mark!! I know it's not much, but I still think it's great. Anyways, thanks for all of you that have visited our site. Also updated the homepage. 20, Jan. 2002 - Split pictures section into the two. Now there is one for her as Hermione, and one for her as Emma. 17, Jan. 2002 - Started on a Interview page for Emma Watson. Might get finished by the end of this week. 12, Jan. 2002 - Website up and running. Note: If any of you out there knows more news about Emma Watson or Harry Potter that we don't, please email the information plus the site that you found it on so we can put it on our website. Our email address is in the Contact Us section. Thanks! ; |  | Please sign our Guestbook!! We want more feed back and comments! Anyways, click on the link below to go there or the link above, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you sign our guestbook! NG & JQ Guestbook |